
公開型メモ帳 (=_=)zzz

TV Bros. 2016年12月31日号 No.28


TV Bros. 2016年12月31日号|TOKYO NEWS マガジン&ムック





西脇彩華 (9nine)さんはInstagramを利用しています:「キラキラの万華鏡の世界に入っちゃった #ロマンチック #お花にかこまれたぁ #万華鏡ってキラキラしてて好き #万華鏡みたいな人になりたい #家族旅行 #西脇姉妹 #今年もよろしくお願いします」



2月は、『FLASH』MV撮影、『COSMIC EXPLORER』ジャケ写撮影、こなそんフェス。




5月~11月は、Perfume 6th Tour 2016 「COSMIC EXPLORER」

Perfume OfficialさんはInstagramを利用しています:「Today is San Francisco show!!!!! We all went to the bakery by the sea yesterday. There was a long line of people getting clam chowder. We all got them and ate together at a small table. It's great to see everyone eating the same thing together in a new city. We're going to put a great show again tonight so look out! FROM a-chan #perfumetour2016」
Perfume OfficialさんはInstagramを利用しています:「We got to San Francisco yesterday. I didn't know that it was a bit cold here. We all went to the Fisherman's Wharf last night and had clam chowder at BOUDIN SOURDOUCH. It was soooo good!! FROM KASHIYUKA #perfumetour2016」
Perfume OfficialさんはInstagramを利用しています:「This is the suitcase I bought in the US. Isn't it huge? It actually becomes bigger! LOL and it comes with lifetime warranty! Next time, I'll stuff my little sister in here and come back! From a-chan #perfumetour2016」
Perfume OfficialさんはInstagramを利用しています:「Actually, all three of us bought suitcases. LOL NOCCHi forgot her credit card so KASHIYUKA paid for her... (Sigh and more laugh) Mine is the biggest of them all! Hahaha FROM a-chan #PerfumeTour2016」
Perfume OfficialさんはInstagramを利用しています:「Awesome show and experience in Chicago!! Thanks guys!! 💜 #PerfumeTour2016」
Perfume OfficialさんはInstagramを利用しています:「Chicago show! Haven't heard that much cheer and scream in Japan either. You were excited! Thank you so much for welcoming us and giving us so much love!!! Chicago pizza is soooo awesome!! My neck has never been that "dung dung" with cheese before! It was such a happy moment. The photo is NOCCHi happily getting her slice of pizza. FROM a-chan #perfumetour2016」
Perfume OfficialさんはInstagramを利用しています:「Our US tour is done. We got to meet so many people and had fun together! It was awesome! Thank you so much for coming out! Thank you to everyone who supported us from far too! Next up is the dome tour so people in Japan, we'll see you soon! Photo is the rainbow bagel we talked about on stage in NY. FROM KASHIYUKA #perfumetour2016」














のっち『機動戦士ガンダム 鉄血のオルフェンズ 弐』
